"Milo ê Venus" pán-pún chi-kan bô-kāng--ê tē-hng

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{{Infobox artwork
{{Infobox artwork
| image_file = Vénus de Milo - Musée du Louvre AGER LL 299 ; N 527 ; Ma 399.jpg
| image_file = Front views of the Venus de Milo.jpg
| other_language_1 = {{small|[[Elláda-gú]]}}
| other_language_1 = {{small|[[Elláda-gú]]}}
| other_title_1 = {{small|Αφροδίτη της Μήλου}} {{small|(Afrodíti tis Mílou)}}
| other_title_1 = {{small|Αφροδίτη της Μήλου}} {{small|(Afrodíti tis Mílou)}}

2024-nî 2-goe̍h 20-ji̍t (pài-jī) 20:47 ê siu-tēng-pún

Milo ê Venus
Elláda-gú: Αφροδίτη της Μήλου (Afrodíti tis Mílou)
Venus de Milo on display at the Louvre
Gē-su̍t-ka Alexandros of Antioch
kong-guân-tsîng 150-nî tsì 125-nî tsi-kan
Châi-liāu Parian tāi-lí-tsio̍h [en]
Chú-tê Venus
Chhùn-chhioh 204 cm (6 ft 8 in)
Chōng-hóng Tshiú-kut hông áu-tn̄g, tshun-ê pōo-hūn uân-hó bô-sûn
Só͘-chāi Paris Louvre phok-bu̍t-kuán

Milo ê Venus (ing-gú: Venus de Milo /də ˈml, də ˈml/; elláda-gú: Αφροδίτη της Μήλου (Afrodíti tis Mílou); huat-gú: Vénus de Milo) sī kóo-Elláda tiau-sok gē-su̍t [en], tshòng-tsok tī Elláda-huà sî-kî, tāi-iok tī kong-guân-tsîng 150-nî tsì 125-nî tsi-kan.[1] "Milo ê Venus" sī siōng-tshut-miâ ê kóo-Elláda tiau-sok tsok-phín tsi-it, uì 1820-nî teh Elláda Milos tó [en] koh-tsài huat-hiān tiau-siōng [en] liáu-āu bô-guā-kú, "Milo ê Venus" tio̍h it-ti̍t kǹg-teh Louvre phok-bu̍t-kuán lâi tián-tshut.

"Milo ê Venus" hông jīm-uî biâu-huē Elláda ài-tsîng lú-sîn Aphrodite, i-ê Lô-má [en] tuì-ìng lú-sîn [en] sī Venus. Iû-î teh Lô-má sî (Venus) liáu-āu hō-miâ Elláda tiau-sok ê put tsún-khak, tiau-sok ū-tang-sî-á hông kiò-tsò "Milos ê Aphrodite" (Aphrodite de Milos).[2] Tsi̍t-kuá ha̍k-tsiá ê thui-tshik, tsit-tsō tiau-siōng si̍t-tsè-siōng tāi-piáu lú hái-sîn Amphitrite [en], lú hái-sîn i teh tiau-siōng sóo-tsai ê tó-siōng siū-tio̍h siong-tong ê tsông-kìng.[3] Tsit-ê tsok-phín siōng-tāi-sing kui-sio̍k tī-4 sè-kí ê Athens tiau-sok-ka Praxiteles [en], m̄-ku kin-kù i-ê té-tsō [en] tíng-kuân ê bîng-bûn, tsit-má ta̍k-ê phóo-phiàn jīn-uî tsit-ê tiau-siōng sī āu-lâi tshòng-tsok ê, lî-tshiánn sī Antioch ê Alexandros [en] tsi tsok-phín.[4]

Tiau-siōng tiau-siōng iû Parian tāi-lí-tsio̍h [en] tsè-sîng ê, pí tsin-jîn tuā-sè koh-khah tuā, kuân 204 cm (6 ing-tshiò 8 ing-tshùn).[5] Tiau-siōng sit-khì nn̄g-ki tshiú-kóo, tsi̍t-ki tshiú-kóo ê tsi̍t-pòo-hūn; í-kip guân-lâi ê té-tsō, teh tiau-siōng hông tiông-sin huat-hiān liáu-āu koh phàng-kìnn-á.


"Milo ê Venus" sī tsit-tsūn 204 cm (6 ing-tshiò 8 ing-tshùn) kuân ê Parian tāi-lí-tsio̍h [en] tiau-siōng; tiau-siōng sī Elláda lú-sîn, tsiânn-ū khó-lîng sī Aphrodite, hông biâu-huē tsò puànn-ló ê khu-kàn. Tsit-tsō tiau-siōng guân-pún ing-kai ū nn̄g-ki tshiú-kóo, nn̄g-ki kha-bôo, nn̄g-ê hīnn-tsu [en] lóng uân-hó bô-sûn, iah-koh ū tsi̍t-ê té-tsō. Venus ê tsiànn-hing ê ē-kha pîng ū tsi̍t-ê thiân-buán ê khang, guân-lâi sī tsi̍t-ê kim-sio̍k sún, sī iōng-lâi tsih-tsài tan-to̍k tiau-khik ê tsiànn tshiú-kóo. Bô tshiú-kóo, tō bô-huat-tōo liáu-kái tiau-siōng siōng-tāi-sing ê iūnn-siùnn; m̄-ku pháng-tsit khó-kóo ha̍k-ka Elizabeth Wayland Barber tsí-tshut, "Milo ê Venus" ê tsu-sè piáu-bîng Venus khó-lîng it-ti̍t teh iōng-tshiú se̍h lián-tńg.[6][7]

Huat-hiān hām li̍k-sú


Huat-hiān Milo ê Venus tsi tē-tiám.

Ta̍k-ê phóo-phiàn jīn-uî, Milo ê Venus sī tī 1820-nî 4-gue̍h 8-ji̍t iû tsi̍t-uī1 miâ kiò-tsò Yorgos Kentrotas ê Elláda lông-bîn teh Milos kóo-siânn ê uî-tsí lāi-té tsi̍t-ê bâi-tsông ê piah-kham lāi-bīn sóo huat-hiān ê. Tsit-tsō kóo-siânn sī tsit-má ê Trypiti [en] tsng-thâu, khiā-tī Aegean-hái ê Milos-tó (iā kiongtso Melos-tó, hi̍k-tsiá Milo-tó), tong-sî tsit-ê tó sī Ottoman tè-kok ê tsi̍t-pòo-hūn.[8]

Teh kî-thann ê sóo-tsai, huat-hiān-tsiá hông khak-tīng sī Elláda jîn [en] Yorgos Bottonis hām i-ê kiánn-jî Antonio. Paul Carus [en] kā huat-hiān ê tē-tiám biâu-su̍t tsò "Tsit-ê tó ê siú-hú Castro hù-kīn ê tsi̍t-tsō kóo-ló hì-īnn ê huè-hi", koh póo-tshiong kóng: Bottonis hām i-ê kiánn-jî "bô-tú-hó huat-hiān tsi̍t-ê suann-tōng, tsiânn sió-sim iōng kāu-thut-thut ê tsioh-pán kā-i khàm hōo tiâu-tiâu koh ún-tsông kah ba̍t-ba̍t-á, kî-tiong pau-hâm tsi̍t-tsun hun-tsò nn̄g-phín ê tsing-bí tāi-lí-tsio̍h tiau-siōng, í-kip kî-thann kui-á-tè tāi-lí-tsio̍h ê tshuì-phìnn. Tsia--ê tāi-tsì lóng huat-sing tī 1820-nî 2-gue̍h". Paul Carus tsiânn bîng-hián sī khiā-tī ka-kī teh "Sè-kí tsa̍p-tsì" (Century Magazine) tíng-kuân tha̍k kuè ê tsi̍t-phinn bûn-tsiunn lâi tsō-tshut tsia--ê tuàn-giân.[9]

Ò-tsiu li̍k-sú ha̍k-ka Edward Duyker ín-iōng 1820-nî Huat-kok tsù-tsāi Milos- líng-sū Louis Brest siá ê tsit-tiunn phue, tuàn-giân tiau-siōng ê huat-hiān-tsiá sī Theodoros Kendrotas, ta̍k-ê kā i hām i-ê sè-hàn kiánn Georgios (Γεώργιος, im-i̍k tsò Yorgos) ko-m̄-tio̍h, āu-lâi Georgios suah lâi sing-tshing tsit-ê huat-hiān (Milo ê Venus) kui-kong hōo-i ka-kī. Duyker tuàn-giân Kendrotas tng-teh uì i-ê thóo-tē pian-iân ê tsi̍t-ê hông huí-huāi ê sió kàu-tn̂g lāi-té the̍h-tshut tsi̍t-kuá-á tsio̍-thâu — sió kàu-tn̂g í-tsîng sī Lô-má thé-io̍k-kuán ê tsi̍t-pòo-hūn tsi khàm-á tē — Theodoros huat-hiān tsi̍t-ê tn̂g-hong-hîng ê khang-khiong tāi-iok ū 1.2 m × 1.5 m (3 ft 11 in × 4 ft 11 in) tshim ê hué-suann gîng-hue-gâm [en]. Tsiànn-sī teh tsit-ê ū sann-ê tshiú-kóo tn̂g ê khang-khiong lāi-té, Kendrotas siōng-tāi-sing tsu-i-tio̍h tiau-siōng ê siōng-puànn-pōo.[10]

Tsiànn-bīn siōng
Āu-bīn siōng


3D tiān-náu bôo-hîng.

Tī 1820-nî huat-hiān liáu-āu, Milo ê Venus hông jīn-uî sī tsi̍t-hi̍k-tik tsi̍t-hāng tiōng-iàu ê gē-su̍t huat-hiān, m̄-ku it-tit-kàu āu-lâi tsiah tit-tio̍h Venus tsō-uī tsok-uî ngóo-siōng ê tē-uī. Put-jî-kò, tsit-tiunn uē hông huat-hiān ê khak-tshiat tsîng-hóng koh-bô khak-tīng. Hit-tang-tsūn Napoleon lio̍k-tua̍t ê gē-su̍t siu-tsông-phín hông sàng-huê kok ê sî-tsūn, Louvre sīm-tsì kui-ê Huat-kok gē-su̍t lóng tsò-siū kú-tuā ê sún-sit. Phok-bu̍t-kuán sit-khì tsi̍t-kuá siōng piau-tsì-sìng ê tsok-phín, pí-jū Lô-má ê Laocoon hām i-ê kiánn-jî [en] í-kip Itali ê "Medici ê Venus [en]" (Venus de Medici). Tsē-teh Huat-kok bûn-huà tang-tiong lâu-lo̍h-lâi ê làu-tōng sī "Milo ê Venus" (Venus de Milo) tsiânn-tsò kok-tsè ngóo-siōng thê-kiong uân-bí ê tôo-king. Kin-kù tsá-kî ê tòo-tsuá, í-king tsai-á kah tiau-siōng hun-lî ê té-tsō tíng-kuân khik-ū ji̍t-kî, tse lóng piáu-bîng tiau-siōng sī teh kóo-tián sî-kî tsi-āu sóo tshòng-tsok ê; tsit-ê sî-kî mā-sī hōo lâng siōng hiòng-óng ê gē-su̍t sî-kî. Tse-tō tì-sú Hu̍t-kok lâng ún-muâ ki-tsō, thang-lâi teh tiau-siōng tī 1821-nî hông ín-ji̍p Louvre tsi-tsîng am-khám tsit-ê sū-si̍t. Milo ê Venus teh uē-lông tang-tiong tsiàm-kì tiōng-iàu ê uī-tì, pīng tsiânn-tsò piau-tsì-sìng ê kiàn-tiok, tse tsú-iàu sī in-uī Louvre ê phín-pâi suan-thuân ua̍h-tāng hām kiông-tiāu tiau-siōng ê tiōng-iàu-síng, tō-lâi koh-khioh--tio̍h bîn-tso̍k ê tsū-hô-kám.

Milo ê Venus tī 19 sè-kí sīng-miâ tsiânn-tuā ê thîng-tōo tíng-kuân kui-kong hōo Huat-kok tong-kio̍k ê tiōng-tāi suan-thuân kang-tsok. Tī 1815-nî, Huat-kok teh hōo Napoleon Bonaparte sé-kiap liáu-āu, kā Medici ê Venus [en] (mā kiò-tsò Medici ê Venus) kui-huân hōo Itali lâng. "Medici ê Venus" hông jīn-uî sī hiān-tsūn siōng-hó ê kóo-tián tiau-sok tsi-it, "Medici ê Venus" hōo Huat-kok lâng kā "Milo ê Venus" (Venus de Milo) thui-kóng tsit-ê tiau-siōng pí in tsuè-kīn phah-bô-ê sio-pí tsi-hā sī koh-khah tuā ê pó-tsōng. Tsit-tsō tiau-siōng "Milo ê Venus" hōo tsiânn-tsē gē-su̍t-ka hām phîng-lūn-ka tiong-si̍t ê o-ló tsó iu-ngá lú-sìng-bí ê sok-iánn. Put-jî-kò, Pierre-Auguste Renoir sī phue-phîng-tsiá tsi-it, kā-i kiò-tsò "tshin-tshiūnn hiàn-ping [en] kâng-khuán ê bí-lē".[11]

Jī-tsiàn kî-kan uì Louvre thiat-lî

Teh tē-jī tshù sè-kài tāi-tsiàn kî-kan Tik-kok tshim-ji̍p tshoo-kî, Huat-kok kok-ka phok-bu̍t-kuán kuán-tiúnn Jacques Jaujard ū-kiàn-tio̍k Huat-kok ê lûn-hām, kuat-tīng tsoo-tsit kā Louvre gē-su̍t siu-tsông-phín tiat-lí káu kok-síng.[12] "Milo ê Venus" hām Samothrace ê sìng-lī lú-sîn [en] pī pó-tsûn teh Valençay siânn-pó [en], tse teh ki-su̍t tíng-kuân bô-hōo Tik-kok tsiàm-líng.

Hiān-tāi ê iōng-tōo

Khó-kóo ha̍k-ka hām gē-su̍t ha̍k-ka Adolf Furtwängler [en] tī 1916-nî thê-tshut ê siu-ho̍k kiàn-gī, tián-sī tiau-siōng siōng-tāi-sing khuán-siùnn.

Tsit-tsō tiau-siōng hōo hiān-tāi gē-su̍t tāi-su sán-sing ki̍k-tuā ê íng-hióng; nn̄g-ê tsú-iàu ê huān-lē sī Salvador Dalí 1936-nî ê uē-tsok "Tsah thua-á ê Milo ê Venus" (Venus de Milo with Drawers)[13] hām i-ê "Tí-huán Tàu-gû-sū [en]" (Hallucinogenic Toreador; 1969-70 nî) kah i tiông-ho̍k ê tiau-siōng tôo-siōng.

Tsit-ê tiau-siōng í-tsîng sī "Bí-kok tsíng-hîng guā-kho i-sing hia̍p-huē [en]" (ASPS) hui-tsiong ê tsi̍t-pòo-hūn, kai hia̍p-huē sī sè-kài-siōng siōng kóo-ló ê tsíng-hîng guā-kho i-sing hia̍p-huē tsi-it.[14]

Tī 2010-nî 2-gue̍h, Tik-kok tsa̍p-tsì "Tsiau-tiám [en]" (Focus) khan-ting tsit-tiunn Venus hōo Au-tsiu kí-tiong-tsáinn ê tshuàn-kái tôo-siōng, án-ne tì-sú tuì kì-tsiá hām tshut-pán-siā ê huí-pòng sòo-siōng.[15] Elláda huat-īnn tshâi-tīng in bô-tsuē.[16]

Lîng-kám tsok-phín

Tsū-tsiông tsit-tsun tiau-siōng thâu-tsi̍t-pái lâi-kàu Louvre í-lâi, tsiânn-tsē hiān-tāi gē-su̍t-ka lóng siū-tio̍h tsit-tsun tiau-siōng ê khé-huat.

Kî-tiong tsī-kiánn siōng tshut-miâ ê tù-tsok sī-iû Huat-kok Āu-Íng-siōng-phài (Post-Impressionist) Paul Cézanne tshòng-tsok ê, i tī 1881-nî uē "tsi̍t-ki iân-pit ê gián-kiú". Līng-guā tsī-kiánn siū-tio̍h khé-huat ê tsok-phín sī René Magritte sóo uē ê, i iōng bîng-liōng ê hún-âng-sik hām tshim-nâ-sik uē tsit-ê sok-sió pán ê tsio̍h-ko, miâ kiò-tsò "Les Menottes de Cuivre" hi̍k-tsiá kiò-tsò "1931-nî ê tâng tshiú-khàu". Tsuè-kīn-ê sī "Sin DaDa Liû-hîng" (Neo-Dada Pop) gē-su̍t-ka Jim Dine [en] ê tsok-phín, uì 1970-nî í-lâi, i tian-tian teh i-ê tiau-sok hām huē-uē tang-tiong sú-iōng "Milo ê Venus"(Venus de Milo). Khó-lîng ta̍k-ê lóng tsai-á ê kái-pian tsok-phín sī Salvador Dalí ê tsok-phín, i tī 1936-nî tshòng-tsok "Tsah thua-á ê Milo ê Venus" (Venus de Milo aux tiroirs). Tsit-uī Se-pan-gâ tshiau-hiān-si̍t tsú-gī-tsiá tsè-tsok tsi̍t-ê puànn tshùn-tshiò ê tsio̍h-ko bôo-hîng, kā-i iû-tshat, pīng iōng kim-sio̍k suân-liú hām môo-phuê jiông-á kiû khàm-tio̍h sió-khuá-á phah-khui ê thua-á. Tsit-ê tshut-miâ tiau-sok ê lîng-kám tsài-hiān tsú-iàu teh kā "Ài-sîn tián-sī tsi̍t-ê pài-bu̍t-kàu ê gî-jîn-huà tsi tû-kuī, lāi-té ū tsi̍t-ê pì-bi̍t thua-á, koh teh thua-á lāi-té té-muá kán-ná ū hiān-tāi tsing-sîn hun-sik-su tsiah ē-tàng kái-suat ê sìng-iok [en] tsi bê" (Oppen & Meijer, 2019).

Milo ê Venus (Venus de Milo) ê hîng-siōng teh hiān-tāi bûn-huà tang-tiong put-tuān tshut-hiān, bô-lūn sī teh tsa̍p-tsì, kóng-kò iah-sī ka-ku tsong-sik lāi-té.

Bûn-huà tsham-khó

Tsok-uî sè-kài-siōng siōng hōo lâng jīn-khó ê gē-su̍t-phín tsi-it, Milo ê Venus (Venus de Milo) teh liû-hîng bûn-huà tang-tiong hông b-sòo-tshù ê ín-iōng.

Tsi̍t-ê tian-tian khuànn-tio̍h ê hí-kio̍k kik-khue-hâi biâu-huē tsit-tsō tiau-siōng kù-tshing sī án-tsuánn sit-khì tshiú-kóo ê. Tī 1960-nî, Charlie Drake piáu-ián tsi̍t-pōo hí-kio̍k sió-phín, tián-sī phok-bu̍t-kuán ê guān-káng teh phah-pau ê sî-tsūn bô-sió-sim áu-tn̄g tshiú-kóo.[17] Tī 1964-nî ê tiān-iánn "Carry On Cleo" kâng-khuán iōng té-kio̍k tò ti̍k-sik, tsú-iàu sī-teh tián-sī tiau-siōng án-tsuánn sit-khì tshiú-kóo. Tī 1997-nî ê Disney tiān-iánn "Hercules [en]" lāi-té, tsū-kak thiàu-kuè tsi̍t-tè tsiothau, bô-ì-tiong kā nn̄g-ki tshiú-kóo uì tiau-siōng tíng-kuân tìm-tsi̍h.

Tshiap-tshú tiau-siōng ê im-bôo sī 1966-nî oo-pe̍h-bú kan-tia̍p tiān-iánn "Tsuè-āu ê ti̍k-kang? [en]" (The Last of the Secret Agents) ê tiong-sim, iû Marty Allen [en] hām Steve Rossi [en] tsú-ián.

Milo ê Venus tian-tian tshut-hiān teh tiān-sī tsiat-bo̍k tang-tiong koh hông bôo-hóng, pí-jū teh Tick [en] kio̍k-tsi̍p "Armless but Not Harmless", kî-tiong huí-luī "Venus and Milo" tshiúnn-kiap tsi̍t-tsō gē-su̍t phok-bu̍t-kuán, í-kip teh BBC tsîng-kíng hí-kio̍k Kan-na ū gōng-tai hām bé [en], kî-tiong Del Boy hiòng Rodney tián-sī tsi̍t-ê tiau-siōng ê bôo-hîng, sing-tshing sè-kài siōng ē-ū cheng-sîn-pēnn huān-tsiá ē-hiáng lâi tsè-tsok tsit-khuán tsi̍t-ê tsân-tsi̍t-jîn tiau-siōng.


Tsit-tsō tiau-siōng mā tian-tian teh im-ga̍k tang-tiong hông thê-ki̍p. Ta̍t-tio̍h tsù-ì ê huān-lē pau-kua:

  • Weird Al Yankovic ê kua-khik "Wanna B Ur Lovr" pau-kua i-hā ê tâi-sû: "Jû-kó guá tshò-tiāu lí-ê tshiú-kóo, lí ē khuànn-khí-lâi tshin-tshiūnn Milo ê Venus. (You'd look like Venus de Milo If I just cut off your arms.)"


  1. Kousser, Rachel (2005). "Creating the Past: The Vénus de Milo and the Hellenistic Reception of Classical Greece". American Journal of Archaeology. 109 (2): 227–250. doi:10.3764/aja.109.2.227. ISSN 0002-9114. JSTOR 40024510.  (Eng-gí)
  2. "Aphrodite | Mythology, Worship, & Art". Encyclopedia Britannica (ēng Eng-gí). 2021-04-09 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  3. "Aphrodite Known Venus de Milo". Louvre.fr. France. 
  4. "Base Deception". Smithsonian (ēng Eng-gí). 2019-08-28 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  5. "statue; Vénus de Milo". Musée du Louvre (ēng Eng-gí). 150. 2021-04-27 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  6. Postrel, Virginia (2015-05-01). "What Was the Venus de Milo Doing With Her Arms?". Slate (ēng Eng-gí). ISSN 1091-2339. 
  7. Fessenden, Marissa (6 May 2015). "The Mystery of What Venus de Milo Was Once Holding". Smithsonian Magazine (ēng Eng-gí). 4 January 2021 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  8. Milo ê Venus, Encyclopædia Britannica ê tiâu-bo̍k
  9. Carus, Paul (1916). The Venus of Milo: An Archeological Study of the Goddess of Womanhood. Open Court Publishing Company. p. 2. 6 April 2018 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  10. Duyker 2014, pp. 61–62.
  11. Bonazzoli, Francesca; Robecchi, Michele (2014). Mona Lisa to Marge: How the World's Greatest Artworks Entered Popular Culture. New York: Prestel. p. 32. ISBN 9783791348773. 
  12. "Saviour of France's art: how the Mona Lisa was spirited away from the Nazis". The Guardian. 2014-11-22. 2018-01-13 khòaⁿ--ê. On 25 August 1939, Jaujard closed the Louvre for three days, officially for repair work. For three days and nights, hundreds of staff, art students and employees of the Grands Magasins du Louvre department store carefully placed treasures in white wooden cases. 
  13. "Venus de Milo with Drawers (and PomPoms)". archive.thedali.org. 2019-08-21 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  14. Brent, Burt (2008). "The Reconstruction of Venus: Following Our Legacy". Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 121 (6): 2170–2171. doi:10.1097/PRS.0b013e318170a7b6. 
  15. Diehn, Sonya Angelica (1 December 2011). "Greece Pursues Venus Defamation Case". Courthouse News Service. goân-loē-iông tī 7 December 2011 hőng khó͘-pih. 7 December 2011 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  16. "Griechisches Gericht spricht FOCUS-Journalisten frei" [Greek Court acquits Focus journalists]. Burda Newsroom (ēng Tek-gí). 3 April 2012. goân-loē-iông tī 15 July 2012 hőng khó͘-pih. 
  17. "Charlie Drake's Christmas Show". 26 December 1960. p. 25 – via BBC Genome. 

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