Bí-kok kok-hōe tô͘-su-koán
Tsú-iàu ua̍t-to̍k-sik luē-pōo | |
Established | 1800 4-gue̍h 24 |
Location | Washington, D.C. |
Coordinates | 38°53′19″N 77°0′17″W / 38.88861°N 77.00472°W |
Collection | |
Size | 173 pah-bān hāng-bo̍k[lower-alpha 1] |
Access and use | |
Circulation | Kan-na hān-tsè luē-pōo sú-iōng |
Population served | Bí-kok kong-huē hām kok-ka |
Other information | |
Budget | $802.128 pah-bān[2] |
Director | Carla Hayden |
Staff | 3,105[2] |
Website |
loc |
Map |
Bí-kok kok-huē tôo-su-kuán (ing-gú: Library of Congress (LOC)) sī tsìng-sik uī-tio̍h Bí-kok kok-huē lâi ho̍k-bū ê gián-kiù hîng tôo-su-kuán, iah-sī Bí-kok sū-si̍t siōng ê kok-ka tôo-su-kuán[3]. Kok-huē tôo-su-kuán sîng-li̍p tī 1800-nî, sī Bí-kok li̍k-sú siōng iu-kiú ê liân-pang bûn-huà ki-kòo.[4] Kok-huē tôo-su-kuán khia teh Washington D.C. kok-hue̋ san ê sam-tsō kiàn-tio̍k lāi-té; iah-koh teh Virginia tsiu ê Culpeper siat-iú tsi̍t-ê pó-hōo tiong-sim.[5] Kok-huē tôo-su-kuán ê tsit-lîng sī-iû kok-huē tôo-su-kuán ê kuán-tiúnn lâi kàm-tok; i-ê kiàn-tio̍k sī-iû kok-huē tāi-hā ê kiàn-tio̍k-su uî-hōo. Bí-kok kok-huē tôo-su-kuán sī sè-kài siōng siōng-tuā ê tôo-su-kuán tsi-it.[3][6] Kok-huē tôo-su-kuán ê “kuán-tsông sī phóo-phiàn ê, put-siū tsú-tê, keh-sik hi̍k-tsiá kok-kài ê hān-tsè; pau-kuat lâi-tsū sè-kài kok-tē ê 470 guā-tsióng gú-giân ê gián-kiù tsu-liāu”.[4]
Kok-huē teh New York tshī hām Philadelphia ê lîm-sî siú-too kí-hîng 11-nî ê huē-gī liáu-āu, tī 1800-nî tshian-tsì Washington, D.C. Teh tsit nn̄g-ê siânn-tshī, Bí-kok kok-huē gī-guân lóng ē-sái sú-iōng "New York siā-huē tôo-su-kuán" (New York Society Library) hām "Philadelphia tôo-su-kuán kong-si" (Library Company of Philadelphia) ê tāi-liōng tsông-phín.[7] Tī 19 sè-kí ê tāi-pōo-hūn sî-kan lāi-té, it-ti̍t kàu 1890 nî-tāi ê tshoo-kî, sió-hîng tôo-su-kuán lóng siat-teh Bí-kok kok-hue tāi-hā lāi-té.
Tāi-pōo-hūn guân-sí tsông-phín tī 1812-nî tsiàn-tsing kî-kan hōo Ing-kok kun-tuī sio-huí. Tôo-su-kuán tī 1815-nî khai-sí hue-ho̍k i-ê tsông-phín. Tôo-su-kuán kòo-bé Thomas Jefferson ê tsuân-pōo kò-jîn tsông-su 6,487-pún. Sui-bóng tī 1851-nî kok-huē tāi-hā ê huē-gī-thiann tsài-tshù huat-sing hué-tsai; m̄-kuh i-ê tsông-phín teh suà--lo̍h-lâi kuí-lo̍h-nî ûn-ûn-á khok-tāi. Tse hué-tsai huí-huāi tāi-liōng ê tsông-phín, pau-kuat Jefferson ê tsiânn-tsē su-tsi̍k. Bí-kok lâm-pak tsiàn-tsing liáu-āu, kok-huē tôo-su-kuán ê tiōng-iàu sìng tuè-tio̍h i-ê huat-tián jî-lâi tsing-ka; pīng-tshiánn huat-khí uî hông sio-huí ê su-tsi̍k kòo-bé thè-tāi hù-pún ê ūn-tōng. Tôo-su-kuán hik-tik sóo-ū pán-kuân tsok-phín ê tsuán-jiōng-kuân; ē-tàng tsûn-hòng nn̄g-hūn teh Bí-kok ìn-suat ê su-tsik, tē-tôo, tshah-tôo kah tôo-piáu. Kok-huē tôo-su-kuán iah-koh khai-sí kiàn-li̍p ka-kī ê siu-tsông. Kok-huē tôo-su-kuán ê huat-tián tī 1888-nî tsì 1894-nî tsi-kan ta̍t-kàu tíng-hong, kiàn-tsō ka-kī to̍k-li̍p ê tuā-hîng tôo-su-kuán; tsit-má kiò-tsò Thomas Jefferson tāi-hā, kah kok-huē kik-ke siong-bōng. Līng-guā nn̄g-tsō sio-uá ê tôo-su-kuán kiàn-tiok, tio̍h-sī kiàn-siat tī 1930 nî-tāi ê John Adams tuā-lâu hām kiàn-siat tī 1970 nî-tāi ê James Madison kì-liām tuā-lâu, ióng-iú khok-kiàn ê pōo-hūn kuán-tsông; pīng-tshiánn uī-tio̍h gia̍h-guā ê tôo-su-kuán ho̍k-bū thê-kiong khong-kan.
Tôo-su-kuán ê tsú-iàu jīm-bū sī gián-kiù kok-huē gī-guân thê-tshut ê tsa-sûn, tse-sī thong-kuè kok-huē gián-kiù ho̍k-bū-pōo tsìn-hîng ê. Tôo-su-kuán hiòng kong-tsiòng khai-hòng gián-kiù; m̄-kuh kan-na ko-kip kuann-guân hām tôo-su-kuán ê guân-kang ē-tàng tsioh-ua̍t (tiō sī uì lāi-té kā tôo-su tsioh-tsáu) su-tsik hām tsu-liāu.[8]
[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]1800–1851: khí-guân hām Jefferson ê kòng-hiàn
[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]Virginia tsiu ê James Madison í-lâi tshòng-kiàn kok-huē tôo-su-kuán ê siūnn-huat jī–lâi tù-tshing, James Madison tio̍h tī 1783-nî siu-tshú thê-tshut án-ne ê thê-gī.[9] Kok-huē tôo-su-kuán sîng-li̍p tī 1800-nî 4-gue̍h 24-ji̍t, tong-sî John Adams tsóng-thóng tshiam-sú tsi̍t-hāng kok-huē huat-àn, tsit-ê kok-huē huat-àn iah-koh kui-tīng kā tsìng-hú sóo-tsāi-tē uì Philadelphia tshian-tsì sin siú-too Washington. Pōo-hūn li̍p-huat puah-khuán 5,000 bí-guân, “iōng teh kòo-bé kok-huē sú-iōng ê tsit-luī su-tsi̍k......í-kip tsng-siu ha̍p-sik ê kong-ú í-lâi tsiap-la̍p tsia–ê su-tsi̍k”.[10] Su-tsi̍k sīu uì London tsù-bûn ê, siu-tsông-phín pau-kuat 740-pún tsheh kah sann-tiunn tē-tôo, tsuân-hòng teh sin-ê Bí-kok kok-huē tāi-hā.[11]
Thomas Jefferson tsóng-thóng kiàn-li̍p kok-huē tôo-su-kuán ê kiat-kòo hong-bīn huat-hui tio̍h tiōng-iàu ê tsok-iōng. Tī 1802-nî 1-gue̍h 26-ji̍t, Jefferson tshiam-sú tsi̍t-hāng huat-àn, un-tsún tsóng-thóng jīm-bīng kok-huē tôo-su-kuán kuán-tiúnn, pingthiann sîng-li̍p tsi̍t-ê tôo-su-kuán liân-ha̍p uí-uân-huē lâi kui-huān hām kàm-tok tôo-su-kuán. Sin huat-lu̍t iah-koh kā tsià-ua̍t ti̍k-kuân (borrowing privileges) khok-tāi kàu tsóng-thóng hām hù tsóng-thóng.[12][13]
1814-nî 8-gue̍h, teh Bladensburg kik-khuì bí-kun liáu-āu, Ing-kok-lâng bô lâu-huè ê tsiàm-niá Washington, D.C.; uī-tio̍h pò-ho̍k bí-kok tshui-huí Dover káng, Ing-kok-lâng hā-līng tshui-huí Washington, D.C. ê tsiòng-to kong-kiōng kiàn-tiok. Ing-kok kun-tuī sio-huí kok-huē tôo-su-kuán, pau-kuat tôo-su-kuán ê tsông-su 3,000 tsheh. [11] Tsia–ê su-kuàn í-king teh kok-huē tāi-hā ê tsham-gī-īnn tshik-pâng kí-hîng.[13][14] Uī-sòo bô guā-tsē ê liû-tsûn lo̍h-lâi ê kok-huē su-tsi̍k tsi-it sī tsìng-hú 1810-nî ê siu-tsi siàu-pòo.[15] Tsia–ê siu-tsi siàu-pòo hōo Ing-kok hái-kun kun-kuann George Cockburn tsiok-sū tsok-uî kì-liām-phín tsah-tsáu, Cockburn ê ka-jîn tī 1940-nî kā tsia–ê tsheh-phōo hîng-tńg hōo Bí-kok tsìng-hú.[16]
Bô-kàu tsit-ko gue̍h, Thomas Jefferson thê-tshut tshut-siû i kan-kí tuā-hîng kò-jîn ê tôo-su-kuán[17][18][19] tsok-uî thè-tāi-phín. Kok-huē tī 1815-nî 1-gue̍h tsiap-siu Jefferson ê thê-gī, puah-khuán ê thê-gī, puah-khuán 23,950 bí-guân kòo-bé Jefferson的 6,487-pún tsheh.[11] Ū tsi̍t-kuá-á tsiòng-gī-īnn gī-uân huán-tuì ti̍t-tsiap kòo-bé, pau-kuat New Hampshire tsiu tāi-piáu Daniel Webster. Jefferson siūnn-beh kui-huân “sóo-ū kū-iú bô-sîn-lūn, huán tsong-kàu kah bô tō-tik khing-hiòng ê su-tsi̍k”.[20]
Jefferson khai 50-nî ê sî-kan luí-tsik guā-tsiòng gú-giân ê su-tsi̍k, khan-kha̍p tiat-ha̍k, li̍k-sú, huat-lu̍t, tsong-kàu, kiàn-tiok, lí-iû, tsū-jiân kho-ha̍k, sòo-ha̍k, kóo-tián ê Elláda kah Ruma gián-kiú, hiān-tāi bûn-bîng, jia̍t khì-kiû tíng-tíng ê tsú-tê, im-ga̍k, tshàng-tsuí-thîng, huà-tsio̍h, lông-gia̍p khan khì-siōng-ha̍k.[9] Jefferson iah-koh siu-tsi̍p thong-siông hông khuànn-tsò li̍p-huat tôo-su-kuán ê tsi̍t-pòo-hūn tsú-tê ê su-tsi̍k; pí-jū si̍t-phóo. M̄-kuh, Jefferson siong-sìn sóo-ū ê tsú-tê lóng teh kok-huē tôo-su-kuán tang-tiong tsiàm-iú ì-sik tsi tē. Jefferson kóng:
Guá m̄ tsāi-á i pau-kuat kok-huē hi-bōng uì siu-tsông tang-tiong pâi-tû ê jīm-hô ê kho-ha̍k hun-tsi; sū-si̍t-siōng, kok-huē gī-uân khó-lîng bô ki-huē thê-ki̍p jīm-hô tsú-tê.[20]
Jefferson siu-tsông ê to̍k-ti̍k tsi-tshù teh i sī ha̍k-tsiá ê khang-khuè siu-tsông; jîn m̄-sī sin-sū iōng-teh tián-sī ê siu-tsông. Tuè–tio̍h Jefferson ê tsông-phń ê siu–ji̍p, sú guân-lâi tôo-su-kuán ê kui-bôo khok-tāi tsi̍t-puē, kok-huē tôo-su-kuán uì tsuan-ka tôo-su-kuán tsuán-piàn uì koh-khah thong-iōng ê tôo-su-kuán.[21] Jefferson siōng thâu-tsîng ê siu-tsông hōo tsoo-tsit tsiânn-tsò tsi̍t-ê khai-tî Francis Bacon tì-sik tsoo-tsit ê kè-uē. Kū-thé lâi-kóng, Jefferson kā i-ê tsheh hun-tsò kì-ik, thui-lí kah sióng-siōng-li̍k; lî-tshiánn kā in hun-tsò 44-ê sè-hun.[22] It-ti̍t kàu 19 sè-kí bua̍t-kî, tôo-su-kuán it-ti̍t tsun-sûn Jefferson ê tsoo-tsit hong-àn, tong-sî tôo-su-kuán kuan-uân Herbert Putnam khai-sí gián-kiú koh-khah lîng-ua̍h ê kok-huē tôo-su-kuán hun-luī kiat-kòo. Tsit-má, tse lóng sik-iōng teh tshiau-kuè 1.38 ik kiānn bu̍t-phín.
[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]Tsù-kái
[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]- ↑ "Year 2020 at a Glance". Library of Congress. 2020. goân-loē-iông tī February 23, 2021 hőng khó͘-pih. November 5, 2021 khòaⁿ--ê.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 "2021 Annual Report of the Librarian of Congress" (PDF). Library of Congress. goân-loē-iông (PDF) tī February 3, 2023 hőng khó͘-pih. December 2, 2022 khòaⁿ--ê.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 "Library of Congress". Encyclopedia Britannica. goân-loē-iông tī April 5, 2020 hőng khó͘-pih. September 3, 2017 khòaⁿ--ê.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 "Fascinating Facts". Library of Congress. goân-loē-iông tī April 5, 2020 hőng khó͘-pih. April 25, 2018 khòaⁿ--ê.
- ↑ "General Information". Library of Congress. goân-loē-iông tī February 23, 2021 hőng khó͘-pih. January 28, 2023 khòaⁿ--ê.
- ↑ "Fascinating Facts – Statistics". The Library of Congress. goân-loē-iông tī April 5, 2020 hőng khó͘-pih. February 16, 2017 khòaⁿ--ê.
- ↑ "History of the Library of Congress". Library of Congress. goân-loē-iông tī October 6, 2020 hőng khó͘-pih. October 20, 2020 khòaⁿ--ê.
- ↑ "FY 2019–2023 Strategic Plan of the Library of Congress". Library of Congress. Library of Congress. October 20, 2020 khòaⁿ--ê.
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Murray, Stuart. The Library: An Illustrated History (New York, Skyhouse Publishing, 2012): 155.
- ↑ 2 Stat. 55
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 "Jefferson's Legacy: A Brief History of the Library of Congress". Library of Congress. March 6, 2006. goân-loē-iông tī March 12, 2011 hőng khó͘-pih. January 14, 2008 khòaⁿ--ê.
- ↑ 2 Stat. 128
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 Murray, Stuart P. (2009). The library: an illustrated history. New York, NY: Skyhorse Pub. pp. 158. ISBN 9781602397064.
- ↑ Greenpan, Jesse (August 22, 2014). "The British Burn Washington, D.C., 200 Years Ago". History.com. goân-loē-iông tī January 8, 2021 hőng khó͘-pih. January 8, 2021 khòaⁿ--ê.
- ↑ Murray, Stuart (2009). The Library An Illustrated History. Chicago, Illinois: Skyhorse Publishing. p. 159.
- ↑ Murray, Stuart (2009). The library : an illustrated history. New York, NY: Skyhorse Pub. ISBN 978-1-60239-706-4.
- ↑ "Thomas Jefferson's personal library, at LibraryThing, based on scholarship". LibraryThing. goân-loē-iông tī April 7, 2020 hőng khó͘-pih. November 4, 2012 khòaⁿ--ê.
- ↑ LibraryThing profile page for Thomas Jefferson's library Archived September 3, 2009, at the Wayback Machine., summarizing contents and indicating sources
- ↑ "Jefferson's Library". Library of Congress. April 24, 2000. goân-loē-iông tī March 22, 2015 hőng khó͘-pih. October 24, 2021 khòaⁿ--ê.
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 Murray, Stuart P. (2009). The library : an illustrated history. Chicago: Skyhorse Pub. pp. 162. ISBN 9781602397064.
- ↑ Murray, Stuart A.P. The Library: An Illustrated History. Skyhorse Publishing, 2012. 9781616084530, pp. 161
- ↑ Murray, Stuart (2009). The Library: An Illustrated History. New York: Skyhorse Publishing. p. 162. ISBN 978-1-60239-706-4.
Tsham-khó bûn-hiàn
[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]- Mearns, David Chambers. The Story Up to Now: The Library Of Congress, 1800–1946 (1947), detailed narrative
- Cole, John Y. and Henry Hope Reed. The Library of Congress: The Art and Architecture of the Thomas Jefferson Building (1998) excerpt and text search
- Small, Herbert, and Henry Hope Reed. The Library of Congress: Its Architecture and Decoration (1983)
Ên-sin ua̍t-to̍k
[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]- Aikin, Jane (2010). "Histories of the Library of Congress". Libraries & the Cultural Record. 45 (1): 5–24. doi:10.1353/lac.0.0113.
- Anderson, Gillian B. (1989), "Putting the Experience of the World at the Nation's Command: Music at the Library of Congress, 1800-1917", Journal of the American Musicological Society, 42 (1): 108–49, doi:10.2307/831419, JSTOR 831419
- Bisbort, Alan, and Linda Barrett Osborne. The Nation's Library: The Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. (Library of Congress, 2000)
- Cole, John Young. Jefferson's legacy: a brief history of the Library of Congress (Library of Congress, 1993)
- Cole, John Young. "The library of congress becomes a world library, 1815–2005." Libraries & culture (2005) 40#3: 385–398. in Project MUSE
- Cope, R. L. "Management Review of the Library of Congress: The 1996 Booz Allen & Hamilton Report," Australian Academic & Research Libraries (1997) 28#1 online
- Ostrowski, Carl. Books, Maps, and Politics: A Cultural History of the Library of Congress, 1783–1861 (2004) online Archived 2017-07-08 at the Wayback Machine.
- Rosenberg, Jane Aiken. The Nation's Great Library: Herbert Putnam and the Library of Congress, 1899–1939 (University of Illinois Press, 1993)
- Shevlin, Eleanor F.; Lindquist, Eric N. (2010). "The Center for the Book and the History of the Book". Libraries & the Cultural Record. 45 (1): 56–69. doi:10.1353/lac.0.0112.
- Tabb, Winston; et al. (2003). "Library of Congress". Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. 3: 1593–1612.
[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]- Documents Expediting Project
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- Architecture of Washington, D.C.
- Encyclopedia Americana
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Guā-pōo liân-kiat
[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]Scholia has a topic profile for Bí-kok kok-hōe tô͘-su-koán. |
Wikisource has the text of a 1905 New International Encyclopedia article about "Library of Congress". |
- The Library of Congress website
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- Congress.gov, legislative information
- Library Of Congress Meeting Notices and Rule Changes from The Federal Register RSS Feed
- Library of Congress photos on Flickr
- Outdoor sculpture at the Library of Congress
- of Congress tī Project Gutenberg ê chok-phín
- Bí-kok kok-hōe tô͘-su-koán tī Internet Archive ê chok-phín
- Library of Congress at FamilySearch Research Wiki for genealogists
- "Congress, Library of". Encyclopedia Americana. 1920.
- C-SPAN's Library of Congress documentary and resources Archived April 12, 2021, at the Wayback Machine.
- The Library of Congress National Library Service (NLS)
- Video: "Library of Congress in 1968 – Computer Automation"
- Library of Congress Web Archives – search by URL
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- Capitol Hill
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