
Sin sè-kài tia̍t-sū (im-bô͘-lūn)

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The reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States (1776). The Latin phrase "novus ordo seclorum", appearing on the reverse side of the Great Seal since 1782 and on the back of the U.S. one-dollar bill since 1935, translates to "New Order of the Ages"[1] and alludes to the beginning of an era where the United States of America is an independent nation-state; conspiracy theorists claim this is an allusion to the "New World Order".[2]

Sin sè-kài tia̍t-sū (im-biô-lūn) (ing-gú: The New World Order (NWO)) sī tsi̍t-tsióng im-biô-lūn, i ká-siat tsi̍t-ê pì-bi̍t tshut-hiān ê ki̍k-kuân tsú-gī sè-kài tsìng-hú.[3][4][5][6][7] Kuan-î sin sè-kài tia̍t-sū ê im-biô-lūn ê kiōng-tông tsú-tê sī, tsi̍t-ê kū-iú tsuân-kiû tsú-gī gī-tîng ê pì-bi̍t kuân-lī tsing-ing tng-teh bi̍t-biô thong-kuè tsi̍t-ê to̍k-tshâi ê tan-it to̍k-tshâi ê tan-it sè-kài tsìng-hú —— i tio̍h-beh tshú-tāi tsú-kuân bîn-tso̍k kok-ka —— kah tsi̍t-ê pau-lô bān-siōng ê suan-thuân tsue-tsiong thóng-tī sè-kài, i-ê ì-sik hîng-thài huan-hoo sin sè-kài tia̍t-sū ê kiàn-li̍p sī li̍k-sú tsìn-pōo ê tíng-tiám. In-tshú, tsiânn-tsē ū íng-hióng-li̍k ê li̍k-sú kah tong-tāi jîn-bu̍t hông tsí-khòng sī im-biô tsi̍p-thuân ê tsi̍t-pōo-hūn, tsit-ê im-biô tsi̍p-thuân [en] thong-kuè tsiânn-tsē iám-hōo ki-kòo [en] lâi tshik-uē tiōng-tāi ê tsìng-tī hām kim-iông sū-kiānn; tsū ín-huat hē-thóng sìng uî-ki kàu teh kok-ka hām kok-tsè tsân-bīn thui-tōng ū tsing-gī ê tsìng-tshik, lâi tsok-uî tshú-lí hām tsin-hing ê pōo-sòo.[3][4][5][6][7]

Tī 1990 nî-tāi tshoo tsi-tsîng, Sin sè-kài tia̍t-sū im-biô-lūn kan-na hān-tsè teh nn̄g-tsióng Bí-kok huán tsú-liû bûn-huà. Tsú-iàu sī hó-tsiàn ê huán tsìng-hú iū-i̍k, koh-lâi tō sī Ki-tok-kàu guân kàu-tsí tsú-gī [en] tang-tiong kah guī ki-tok [en] ê bua̍t-sè-lūn [en] tshut-hiān iú-kuan ê pōo-hūn.[8] Gián-kiù im-biô-lūn kah tsong-kàu ki̍k-tuan tsú-gī ê ha̍k-tsiá, pí-jû Michael Barkun [en] hām Chip Berlet [en], kuan-tshat kàu iú-kuan Sin sè-kài tia̍t-sū ê iū-i̍k bîn-tshuì tsú-gī [en] im-biô-lūn m̄-nā hōo tsiânn-tsē u-miâ-huà tì-sik ê kiû-tō-tsiá sóo tsiap-siū; lî-tshiánn í-king siàm-thàu kàu liû-hîng bûn-huà tang-tiong, tsū-án-ne khui-tshòng 20 sè-kí bua̍t hām 21 sè-kí tshoo Bí-kok ê tsi̍t-tuān sî-kî; hit-tang-tsūn ta̍k-ke tng-teh tsik-ki̍k uī-tio̍h tshian-hi-nî ê sè-kài bua̍t-ji̍t tsîng-kíng tsò tsún-pī.[4][6] Tsia--ê tsìng-tī ha̍k-kài tam-sim, tuì sin sè-kài tia̍t-sū im-biô-lūn êtuā-kui-bôo khí-môo-kong tsuè-tsiong khó-lîng tuì Bí-kok tsìng-tī sing-ua̍h sán-sing huí-bia̍t-sìng íng-hióng;tsū-án-ne put-tuān sing-kip ê to̍k-lông kiông-pōo tsú-gī kàu to̍k-tshâi ki̍k-tuan bîn-tso̍k tsú-gī siàn-tōng-ka [en] ê hiau-khí.[4][6][9]

  1. Lewis and Short, A Latin Dictionary (Eng-gí)
  2. "Novus Ordo Seclorum – Origin and Meaning of the Motto Beneath the American Pyramid". GreatSeal.com.  (Eng-gí)
  3. 3.0 3.1 Camp, Gregory S. (1997). Selling Fear: Conspiracy Theories and End-Times Paranoia. Commish Walsh. ASIN B000J0N8NC.  (Eng-gí)
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Berlet, Chip; Lyons, Matthew N. (2000). Right-Wing Populism in America: Too Close for Comfort. Guilford Press. ISBN 1-57230-562-2.  (Eng-gí)
  5. 5.0 5.1 Goldberg, Robert Alan (2001). Enemies Within: The Culture of Conspiracy in Modern America. Yale University Press. ISBN 0-300-09000-5.  (Eng-gí)
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Barkun, Michael (2003). A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America. University of California Press; 1 edition. ISBN 0-520-23805-2.  (Eng-gí)
  7. 7.0 7.1 Fenster, Mark (2008). Conspiracy Theories: Secrecy and Power in American Culture (2nd pán.). University of Minnesota Press. ISBN 978-0-8166-5494-9.  (Eng-gí)
  8. Berlet, Chip (September 2004). "Interview: Michael Barkun". 1 October 2009 khòaⁿ--ê.  (Eng-gí)
  9. Pete Williams, Andrew Blankstein (1 November 2014). "Sources: Alleged LAX gunman had 'new world order' conspiracy tract". NBC News. 10 July 2014 khòaⁿ--ê.  (Eng-gí)

Ên-sin ua̍t-to̍k

[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]

The following is a list of non-self-published non-fiction books that discuss New World Order conspiracy theories.

Guā-pōo liân-kiat

[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]

Conspiracy theories [en]