Giân-gí-tek khioh-siōng

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(Tùi Giân-gú-tek khòaⁿ-lâng choán--lâi)

Giân-gí-tek khioh-siōng (Eng-gí: linguistic profiling) sī chí kun-kù chi̍t-ê lâng kóng-ōe khiuⁿ-kháu lâi phòaⁿ-toān i ê siā-hōe te̍k-tiám. Pún lí-lūn chi̍t khai-sí sī ha̍k-chiá John Baugh hoat-tián lâi ké-soeh chha-pia̍t (discrimination) tī khiā-ke chhī-tiûⁿ ê chok-iōng. Āu--lâi chit-ê khài-liām mā hông èng-iōng tī hoat-lū sū-bū, thâu-lō͘ ki-hōe, kap kàu-io̍k téng hun-iá.

Giân-gí-tek khioh-siōng ê chi̍t lūi hau-kó sī pí-lūn in-ūi koan-hē khiuⁿ-kháu ê khek-pán ìn-siōng lâi éng-hióng khiā-ke ê chhú-tit; ia̍h sī in-ūi hong-giân ê sú-iōng éng-hióng tio̍h lâng tī kàu-io̍k téng sū-bū só͘ siū tio̍h ê tùi-thāi.[1] Lēng-gōa mā ū chi̍t-ê hong-bīn ê gián-kiù sī pún khoán hiān-siōng kap cho̍k-hē kiau-ngō͘ ê koan-hē.[2]

Chham-khó[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]

  1. Alim, Samy H (2005). "Critical Language Awareness in the United States: Revisiting Issues and Revising Pedagogies in a Resegregated Society". Educational Researcher. 34: 24–31. doi:10.3102/0013189X034007024A. 
  2. Baugh, John, Linguistic Profiling, in Black Linguistics: Language, Society, and Politics in Africa and the Americas 155, 155-63 (Sinfree Makoni et al. eds., 2003).

Siong-koan su-bo̍k[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]

  • Rosina Lippi-Green (2012). English with an Accent: Language, Ideology and Discrimination in the United States (Tē-2 pán.). Routledge. ISBN 9780415559119.