
Koaⁿ mn̂g chēng-me̍h

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Kuann mn̂g tsīng-me̍h

The portal vein (in light blue) and its tributaries. It is formed by the superior mesenteric vein, inferior mesenteric vein, and splenic vein. Lienal vein is an old term for splenic vein.
System Hepatic portal system
Drains from Gastrointestinal tract, spleen, pancreas
splenic vein, superior mesenteric vein, inferior mesenteric vein, pancreatic vein
Drains to liver sinusoid
Sek-pia̍t hû-hō
Latin-gí vena portae hepatis
TA A12.3.12.001
FMA 50735

Mn̂g tsīng-me̍h, hi̍k-tsiá Mn̂g-me̍h (門靜脈, 門脈; portal vein) hi̍k-tsiá Kuann mn̂g tsīng-me̍h (肝門靜脈; hepatic portal vein (HPV)) sī kā hiat-i̍k uì uī-tn̂g tō (胃腸道), tám-lông (膽囊), î-siàn (胰腺) kap pî-tsōng (脾臟) su-sàng kàu kuann-tsōng (肝臟) ê hiat-kuán. Tsit-tsióng hiat-i̍k hâm-iú uì siau-huà luē-iông bu̍t tang-tiong the̍h-tshut ê îng-ióng bu̍t-tsit hām to̍k-sòo. Tāi-iok 75% ê kuann-tsōng tsóng hiat liû-liōng thong-kuè mn̂g tsīng-me̍h, tshun-ê pōo-hūn lâi-tsū kuann tōng-me̍h. Hiat-i̍k thong-kuè kuann tsīng-me̍h lī-khui kuann-tsōng ta̍t-kàu sim-tsōng.

Mn̂g tsīng-me̍h m̄ sī tsiànn-káng ê tsīng-me̍h; in-uī mn̂g tsīng-me̍h kā hiat-i̍k sàng-kàu kuann-tsōng ê môo-sè hiat-kuán tshn̂g, m̄ sī ti̍t-tsiap su-sàng kàu sim-tsōng. Mn̂g tsīng-me̍h sī jîn-thé 3-ê mn̂g tsīng-me̍h hē-thóng tsi-it, iah-sī kuann-mn̂g hē-thóng ê tsú-iàu tsoo-sîng pōo-hūn; kî-thann ê pōo-hūn sī suî-thé hām sīn-mn̂g hē-thóng.

Mn̂g tsīng-me̍h thong-siông iû tn̂g-hē-mo̍oh (腸系膜) siōng tsīng-me̍h (上靜脈), pî tsīng-me̍h (脾靜脈), tn̂g-hē-mo̍oh (腸系膜) hā tsīng-me̍h (下靜脈), uī tò, tsiànn tsīng-me̍h (胃左右靜脈) kah î tsīng-me̍h (胰靜脈) huē-ha̍p sóo tsoo-sîng tshut-lâi ê.

Khan-kha̍p mn̂g tsīng-me̍h ê pēnn-tsìng ē tì-sú giâm-tiōng ê pēnn-tsìng hām sí-bông. Tsit-tsióng tsîng-hóng ê tsi̍t-ê tiōng-iàu ê huān-lē sī mn̂g tsīng-me̍h hiat-ap sing-kuân. Tsit-tsióng tsîng-hóng kiò-tsò mn̂g tsīng-me̍h ko-hiat-ap, sī kuann-ngē-huàê tsú-iàu pìng-huat-tsìng (complication). Pak-tóo phòng-phuê pán-lâ (脂肪) tang-tiong, iām-tsìng sè-pau in-tsí kah kî-thann ū-to̍k ê bu̍t-tsit thong-kuè mn̂g tsīng-me̍h uì luē-tsōng pán-lâ tsuán-ūn tsì kuann-tsōng, tì-sú kuann-tsōng î-tó-sòo (insulin) té-khòng hām hui tsiú-tsing sìng pán-lâ kuann-pēnn.[1][2]

Tôo-siōng[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]

Tsù-kái[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]

  1. Item F, Konrad D (2012). "Visceral fat and metabolic inflammation: the portal theory revisited" (PDF). Obesity Reviews. 13 (Suppl 2): 30–39. doi:10.1111/j.1467-789X.2012.01035.x. PMID 23107257. 
  2. Dhawan D, Sharma S (2020). "Abdominal Obesity, Adipokines and Non-communicable Diseases". The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 203: 105737. doi:10.1016/j.jsbmb.2020.105737. 

Tsham-ua̍t[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]

  • Hepatic artery proper
  • Portal venous system
  • Hepatic portal system (肝門脈系)

Guā-pōo liân-kiat[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]