
Melbourne hông-ka hū-kho pēⁿ-īⁿ

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Teh Ò-tsiu Parkville ê Hông-ka hū-kho pēnn-īnn

Melbourne hông-ka hū-kho pēnn-īnn (ing-gú: Royal Women's Hospital; hàn-gú: 墨爾本皇家婦科醫院) sī tsi̍t-king khiā-teh Ò-tsiu Melbourne pak-pōo kau-khu Parkville khu (Parkville, Victoria) ê pēnn-īnn, iah-sī Ò-tsiu li̍k-sú siōng iu-kiú ê hū-kho pēnn-īnn, mā sī jû-kim Ò-tsiu kui-bôo siong-tuā ê hū-sán-kho pēnn-īnn[1]. Hông-ka hū-kho pēnn-īnn uī-tio̍h Melbourne ê lú-sìng teh sán-kho, hū-kho, sin-sing jî hōo-lí, hū-kho gâm-tsìng kap lú-sìng kiān-khong tíng-tíng hong-bīn the̍h-kiong tsuân hong-uī ê i-liâu ho̍k-bū.[2] Tî-tshú tsi-guā, Melbourne hông-ka hū-kho pēnn-īnn iah-koh the̍h-kiong kî-thann ê kiān-khong póo-tshiong ho̍k-bū, pí-jû siā-kang, bu̍t-lí tī-liâu, îng-ióng-ha̍k kap sim-lí kuan-huâi. Melbourne hông-ka hū-kho pēnn-īnn lāi-té iah-koh siat-ū the̍h-kiong tsí-kiong luē-mo̍oh ī-uī tsìng (子宮內膜異位症), bān-sìng phûn-khiong thàng-thiànn (慢性盆腔疼痛), gâm-tsìng āu king-nî-kî pēnntsìng, put-īn-tsìng (不孕症)[3] ê tsuan-kho tsín-sóo. Melbourne hông-ka hū-kho pēnn-īnn sī tsi̍t-king ióng-iú 200 guā ê pēnn-tshn̂g ê tuā-hîng kàu-ha̍k pēnn-īnn, uī-tio̍h Melbourne tāi-ha̍k[4] hām La Trobe tāi-ha̍k[5] ê i-ha̍k īnn the̍h-kiong si̍t-si̍p, kàu-ha̍k kap gián-kiù ê tiûnn-sóo. Teh Melbourne hông-ka hū-kho pēnn-īnn ê tuā-lâu lāi-té iah-koh siat-iú Frances Perry su-li̍p pēnn-īnn (Frances Perry Private Hospital), sī tsi̍t-king ióng-iú 69-ê tshn̂g-uī ê su-li̍p hū-kho pēnn-īnn[6].

Tsù-kái[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]

  1. Royal Women's Hospital. "Overview" (html). www.thewomens.org.au/ (ēng English). Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2023-06-02. 2023-04-07 khòaⁿ--ê. The Women's is Australia's largest public maternity hospital. Primary and tertiary maternity care is provided at the hospital. 
  2. "Royal Women's Hospital Official website". Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2023-07-02. 2023-04-07 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  3. Melbourne IVF Archived 2007-05-09 at the Wayback Machine. Accessed April 28, 2007
  4. University of Melbourne. "Clinical Elective - Royal Women's Hospital" (html). medicine.unimelb.edu.au (ēng English). Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2023-05-30. 2023-04-07 khòaⁿ--ê. The medical student elective program at The Royal Women’s Hospital is administered by The University of Melbourne, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology based at The Royal Women’s Hospital. 
  5. La Trobe University. "The Women's" (html). www.latrobe.edu.au (ēng English). Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2023-04-09. 2023-04-07 khòaⁿ--ê. The longstanding partnership between the Royal Women’s Hospital (the Women’s) and La Trobe University is underpinned by a high-quality research program and clinical placements scheme. 
  6. Frances Perry House. "About Frances Perry House" (html). www.francesperryhouse.com.au/ (ēng English). Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2023-04-09. 2023-04-07 khòaⁿ--ê. The hospital accommodates 93 beds including surgical and maternity units, Level 4 Special Care Nursery, 6 birthing suites, 4 operating theatres, a day surgery unit and urodynamics procedure room. 

Tsham-ua̍t[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]

  • Frances Perry Private Hospital
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease

Guā-pōo liân-kiat[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]