
Blessed Assurance

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Blessed Assurance (ì-sù sī: "siū chiok-hok--ê pó-chèng"), sī tī 1873 nî, iû Bí-kok ki-tok-tô͘ Fanny Jane Crosby chok-sû, Phoebe Palmer Knapp chok-khek--ê ki-tok-kàu sèng-si.

Tâi-oân Ki-tok Tiúⁿ-ló Kàu-hōe hoen-e̍k chò Góa Sim Tōa Hoaⁿ-hí, Chú Tiàm Sin-piⁿ.

Goân-bûn ê sû kap khek

[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]

 \relative d' { \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"flute"
   \key d \major
   \time 9/8
  \partial 8*3 fis8 e d
  a'4. a g8 a b a2. a8 fis a d4. cis4 cis8 b a gis a2. \bar "" \break
  fis8 e d a'4. a g8 a b a2. d,8 e fis g4. e d8 e cis d2. \bar "" \break
  a'8 a a d4. a b8 b b a2. a8 a a b4. d cis8 cis b cis2. \bar "" \break
  cis8 d e d4. a b8 a b a2. d,8 e fis g4. e d8. e16 cis8 d2.
  \bar "|."
\addlyrics {\set stanza = #"1. "
     Bless -- ed as -- sur -- ance, Je -- sus is mine!
     O what a fore -- taste of glo -- ry di -- vine!
     Heir of sal -- va -- tion, pur -- chase of God,
     Born of His Spir -- it, washed in His blood.
\addlyrics { \set stanza = #"2. " 
     Per -- fect sub -- mis -- sion, per -- fect de -- light!
     Vi -- sions of rap -- ture now burst on my sight;
     An -- gels de -- scend -- ing bring from a -- bove
     Ech -- oes of mer -- cy, whis -- pers of love.
     This is my sto -- ry, this is my song,
     prais -- ing my Sav -- ior all the day long;
     this is my sto -- ry, this is my song,
     prais -- ing my Sav -- ior all the day long.
\addlyrics { \set stanza = #"3. " 
     Per -- fect sub -- mis -- sion, all is at rest!
     I in my Sav -- ior am hap -- py and blessed,
     Watch -- ing and wait -- ing, look -- ing a -- bove,
     Filled with His good -- ness, lost in His love.