Pang-bô͘:IPA link

Pang-bô͘:SpecialChars The template {{IPA link}} create a wikilink from an IPA symbol to the respective phonetic article. IPA link displays the bare IPA symbol. Showing IPA defined brackets like "/…/" is an input option.
The conversion list, from symbol to article name, is not defined in this template, but inherited from {{IPA symbol}}.
{{IPAalink}}, {{IPAblink}} and {{IPAslink}} are earlier versions with defined angular "⟨…⟩", square "[…]" or slash "/…/" brackets, respectively.
[kái goân-sí-bé]- First parameter or
ipa symbol=
(required): any IPA symbol or its IPA number, respectively. {{IPA link|m}}
→ m{{IPA link|ɡb}}
→ ɡb{{IPA link|301}}
→ 301
- Brackets
, or second or third parameter: set IPA bracket. Options are:/
, and<
. Default is none. The angle bracket input can be input as < from a regular keyboard; the output displayed is the opening U+27E8 ⟨ MATHEMATICAL LEFT ANGLE BRACKET (HTML⟨
⧼dot-separator⧽⟨, ⟨, ⟨
⧼dot-separator⧽⟩, ⟩, ⟩
).{{IPA link|m|<}}
→ ⟨m⟩{{IPA link|m||<}}
→ ⟨m⟩{{IPA link|301||<}}
→ ⟨301⟩{{IPA link|m||[}}
→ [m]{{IPA link|ɡb||[}}
→ [ɡb]{{IPA link|ɡb||/}}
→ /ɡb/
- Label
, or second or third parameter: adds a label to the wikilink.{{IPA link|m|label=Any text}}
→ Any text{{IPA link|m|Any text}}
→ Any text{{IPA link|m||Any text}}
→ Any text{{IPA link|ɡb|label=}}
→ ɡb
(Note: showsymbol=
does the same, but it is deprecated.)
- Combined
{{IPA link|ɡb|bracket=<|label=Any text}}
→ Any text{{IPA link|ɡb|Any text|/}}
→ /Any text/{{IPA link|ɡb|<|Any text}}
→ ⟨Any text⟩
- Direct page
The target page can be set (overridden) by using direct page
If the IPA symbol is not defined in the {IPA symbol} table, then an error message is returned.
- {{IPA link|pʰɪk}} → Error using {{IPA symbol}}: "pʰɪk" not found in list
The latter is normally more an example of accidental misuse than intentional use, or it could be a sign that a symbol is missing from the {{IPA symbol}} table.
- Option "showsymbol" deprecated (use
or a second unnamed parameter, preferably)
The template can take the extra input like showsymbol=A
, and then display that symbol, while also linking to the appropriate article. The symbol to be shown can also be the second unnamed parameter.
- Option name
The name=yes
parameter provides a display of the name of the phoneme (a function of {{IPA symbol}}) to the right of the displayed symbol for the phoneme, as shown in the example below:
Full parameter list
[kái goân-sí-bé]In the short form:
{{IPA link | | | | name = | errortext = | showsymbol= }}
Equally, the longer including optional names:
{{IPA link | ipa symbol= <!-- or 1st unnamed parameter--> | label = <!-- or 2nd unnamed paramter --> | bracket = <!-- or 3rd unnamed parameter --> | name = <!-- yes/no --> | errortext = | showsymbol= <!-- deprecated, use label= --> }}
Known issue
[kái goân-sí-bé]- The output should be enveloped in {{nowrap}}.
See also
[kái goân-sí-bé]- {{IPAalink}} – creates a link in angle brackets: "⟨…⟩", for showing the IPA symbol, when linking to the named article
- {{IPAblink}} – creates a link in IPA brackets: "[…]"
- {{IPAslink}} – creates a link in IPA slashes: "/…/"
Téng-bīn ê bûn-kiāⁿ sī tùi Pang-bô͘:IPA link/doc khàm-ji̍p--ê. (pian-chi̍p | le̍k-sú) Pian-chip-chiá ē-sái tī chit-ê pang-bô͘ ê soa-a̍p (chhòng-kiàn | mirror) kap chhì-giām-kheh-suh (chhòng-kiàn) ia̍h-bīn chò si̍t-giām. Chhiáⁿ tī chú-ia̍h-bīn /doc lāi-bīn ka-thiam lūi-pia̍t. Pún pang-bô͘ ê chú-ia̍h-bīn. |