
Morse tiān-bé

Wikipedia (chū-iû ê pek-kho-choân-su) beh kā lí kóng...
Môo-su tēn pió, uì 26-ê La-ting jī-bó kah 10-ê sòo-jī sóo tsoo-sîng-e̊.[1]

Morse tēn-bé (Moosu tēn-bé; eng-gí: Morse code) sī tsi̍t-tsióng teh tēn-sìn lāi-té kah bûn-pún jī-hû iōng tiám (dot) kah (dash) nn̄g-tsióng bô kāng-khuáñ ê sìn-hō sio-lên-suà ê sî-kan tsi piau-tsún-huà (standardization) sòo-le̍t (sequence) ê pen-bé hong-huat.[2][3] Môo-su tēn-bé sī teh 1836 nîtiān-pò ê huat-bîng tsiá bí-kok-lâng Alfred Vail kah Samuel Morse in nn̄g-lâng sóo tsè-tīng-e̊, lî-tshiáñ koh-iōng Samuel Morse lâi bīng-miâ-e̊ (name).

Piáu-sī hîng-sik, sî-kan an-pâi kah sok-tōo

[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]

Kok-tsè Morse tiān-bé iû 5-ê pōo-hūn sóo tsoo-sîng:[4]

  1. Té piau-kì, dot (tiám) ia̍h-sī dit (tih) (  ▄ ): "dot ê lên-suà sî-kan" tō sī tsi̍t-ê sî-kan tan-uī tn̂g
  2. tn̂g piau-kì, dash (liân-tsiap-hō) ia̍h-sī dah (uē) (  ▄▄▄ ): sī dot ê sam-puē sî-kan tn̂g
  3. teh jī-guân lāi-té ê dot ia̍h-sī dash in tsi-kan ê khang-khiah sio-lî tsi̍t-ê sî-kan tan-uī: tsi̍t-ê dot ê lên-suà sî-kan ia̍h-sī tsi̍t-ê tan-uī sî-kan tn̂g
  4. teh jī-guân tsi-kan ê té khang-khiah: sann-ê sî-kan tan-uī tn̂g
  5. teh jī-sû tsi-kan ê tiong khang-khiah: tshit-ê sî-kan tan-uī tn̂g

Kok-tsè morse tēn-bé tiong siông-kèn jī-guân ê thè-tāi hén-sī

[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]
Chham-oa̍t: Huffman pian-bé

Teh Morse tēn-bé ê tsi̍t-kuá kàu-ha̍k hong-huat sī sú-iōng jī-hun soo-tsa (dichotomic search) pió.

Jī-hun so͘-cha pió ê tôo-hîng (graphics) piáu-sī. Tsit-ê tôo-hîng teh ta̍k ê dot tō-uì tò-pîng (左邊) hun-tsi; teh ta̍k ê dash tō-uì tsiàñ-pîng (右邊) hun-tsi, it-ti̍t kàu iōng-uân jī-guân pió uî-tsí..

Morse tiān-bé kah hui ing-gí piàn-thé jī-bió, sòo-jī, piau-tiám, kuè-tîng hû-hō

[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]
Lūi-pia̍t: Jī-guân Tiān-bé
Jī-bió A, a
Jī-bió B, b
Jī-bió C, c
Jī-bió D, d
Jī-bió E, e
Jī-bió F, f
Jī-bió G, g
Jī-bió H, h
Jī-bió I, i
Jī-bió J, j
Jī-bió K, k

Prosign for "Invitation to transmit"
Jī-bió L, l
Jī-bió M, m
Jī-bió N, n
Jī-bió O, o
Jī-bió P, p
Jī-bió Q, q
Jī-bió R, r
Jī-bió S, s
Jī-bió T, t
Jī-bió U, u
Jī-bió V, v
Jī-bió W, w
Jī-bió X, x
Jī-bió Y, y
Jī-bió Z, z
Sòo-jī 0
Sòo-jī 1
Sòo-jī 2
Sòo-jī 3
Sòo-jī 4
Sòo-jī 5
Sòo-jī 6
Sòo-jī 7
Sòo-jī 8
Sòo-jī 9
Piau-tiám Period [.]
Piau-tiám Comma [,]
Piau-tiám Question Mark [?]
Piau-tiám Apostrophe [']
Piau-tiám Exclamation Point [!]

KW digraph
Not in ITU-R recommendation
Piau-tiám Slash/Fraction Bar [/]
Piau-tiám Parenthesis (Open)
Piau-tiám Parenthesis (Close)
Piau-tiám Ampersand (or "Wait") [&]

AS digraph
Prosign for "WAIT"
Piau-tiám Colon [:]
Piau-tiám Semicolon [;]

Not in ITU-R ITU-R M.1172 or ITU-R M.1677-1
Piau-tiám Double Dash [=]
Piau-tiám Plus sign [+]
Piau-tiám Hyphen, Minus Sign [-]
Piau-tiám Underscore [_]

Not in ITU-R ITU-R M.1172 or ITU-R M.1677-1
Piau-tiám Quotation mark ["]
Piau-tiám Dollar sign [$]

SX digraph
Not in ITU-R ITU-R M.1172 or ITU-R M.1677-1
Piau-tiám At Sign [@]

AC digraph
tîng-tsì End of work
tîng-tsì Error
tîng-tsì Invitation to Transmit

Also used for K
tîng-tsì Starting Signal
tîng-tsì New Page Signal

AR digraph
Message separator
Single-line display may use printed "+"
tîng-tsì Understood

Also used for Ŝ
tîng-tsì Wait

also used for Ampersand [&]
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin À, à

Shared by À, Å
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin Ä, ä

Shared by Ä, Æ, Ą
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin Å, å

Shared by À, Å
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin Ą, ą

Shared by Ä, Æ, Ą
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin Æ, æ

Shared by Ä, Æ, Ą
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin Ć, ć

Shared by Ć, Ĉ, Ç
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin Ĉ, ĉ

Shared by Ć, Ĉ, Ç
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin Ç, ç

Shared by Ć, Ĉ, Ç
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin CH, ch

Shared by CH, Ĥ, Š
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin Đ, đ

Shared by Đ, É, Ę
Not to be confused with Eth (Ð, ð)
(É is the only accented character included in ITU-R recommendation)
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin Ð, ð

Not to be confused with D with stroke (Đ, đ)
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin É, é

Shared by Đ, É, Ę
(É is the only accented character included in ITU-R recommendation)
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin È, è

Shared by È, Ł
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin Ę, ę

Shared by Đ, É, Ę
(É is the only accented character included in ITU-R recommendation)
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin Ĝ, ĝ
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin Ĥ, ĥ

Shared by CH, Ĥ, Š
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin Ĵ, ĵ
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin Ł, ł

Shared by È, Ł
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin Ń, ń

Shared by Ń, Ñ
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin Ñ, ñ

Shared by Ń, Ñ
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin Ó, ó

Shared by Ó, Ö, Ø
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin Ö, ö

Shared by Ó, Ö, Ø
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin Ø, ø

Shared by Ó, Ö, Ø
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin Ś, ś
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin Ŝ, ŝ

Prosign for "Understood"
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin Š, š

Shared by CH, Ĥ, Š
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin Þ, þ
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin Ü, ü

Shared by Ü, Ŭ
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin Ŭ, ŭ

Shared by Ü, Ŭ
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin Ź, ź
Hui Ing-gí ên-sin Ż, ż
  1. "International Morse code Recommendation ITU-R M.1677-1". itu.int. International Telecommunication Union. October 2009. goân-loē-iông tī 6 November 2012 hőng khó͘-pih. 23 December 2011 khòaⁿ--ê.  (Eng-gí)
  2. F. S. Beechey, Electro-Telegraphy, London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1876, p. 71 (Eng-gí)
  3. F. J. Camm, Radio Engineer's Pocket Book, 2nd ed., Chemical Publishing Co., 1941, p. 72 (Eng-gí)
  4. "International Morse code Recommendation ITU-R M.1677-1". itu.int. International Telecommunication Union. October 2009. goân-loē-iông tī 6 November 2012 hőng khó͘-pih. 23 December 2011 khòaⁿ--ê.  (Eng-gí)

Tsham-khó bûn-hèn

[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]
  • Burns, R. W. (2004), Communications: an international history of the formative years, Institution of Electrical Engineers, ISBN 0-86341-327-7  (Eng-gí)
  • Freebody, J. W. (1959), "Historical Survey of Telegraphy", Telegraphy, London: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd.  (Eng-gí)
  • ACP 131
  • Alfred Vail
  • CW Operators' Club
  • Guglielmo Marconi
  • High-speed telegraphy
  • Hog-Morse
  • Instructograph
  • Morse code abbreviations
  • Morse code mnemonics
  • NATO phonetic alphabet
  • Tap code
  • Theodore Roosevelt McElroy
  • Wabun code
  • Wireless telegraphy

Guā-pōo lên-ket

[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]

Wikimedia Commons téng ê siong-koan tóng-àn: Morse code