"Au-chiu" pán-pún chi-kan bô-kāng--ê tē-hng

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* {{flagcountry|Gibraltar}} ([[Liân-ha̍p Ông-kok]])
* {{flagcountry|Gibraltar}} ([[Liân-ha̍p Ông-kok]])
* {{flagcountry|Guernsey}} ([[Liân-ha̍p Ông-kok]])
* {{flagcountry|Guernsey}} ([[Liân-ha̍p Ông-kok]])
* {{flagcountry|Jan Mayen and Svalbard}}¹ ([[Lo̍k-ui]])
* {{flagcountry|Svalbard and Jan Mayen}}¹ ([[Lo̍k-ui]])
* {{flagcountry|Jersey}} ([[Liân-ha̍p Ông-kok]])
* {{flagcountry|Jersey}} ([[Liân-ha̍p Ông-kok]])
* {{flagcountry|Isle of Man}} ([[Liân-ha̍p Ông-kok]])
* {{flagcountry|Isle of Man}} ([[Liân-ha̍p Ông-kok]])
* {{flagcountry|Faroe Islands}} ([[Tan-be̍h]])
* {{flagcountry|Faroe Islands}} ([[Tan-be̍h]])

&sup1; <small>Kin-kù Lo̍k-ui chèng-hú ê kóng-hoat, [[Jan Mayen kap Svalbard]] sī Lo̍k-ui Ông-kok ê 1 pō͘-hūn, m̄ sī i-lāi-tē.
&sup1; <small>Kin-kù Lo̍k-ui chèng-hú ê kóng-hoat, [[Svalbard kap Jan Mayen]] sī Lo̍k-ui Ông-kok ê 1 pō͘-hūn, m̄ sī i-lāi-tē.

2017-nî 11-goe̍h 20-ji̍t (pài-it) 16:01 ê siu-tēng-pún

Chit phiⁿ thó-lūn Europa tāi-lio̍k. Bo̍k-chheⁿ ū 1 lia̍p oē-chheⁿ mā hō-chò Europa (oē-chheⁿ).

Au-chiu, mā hō-chò Au-lô-pa, O͘-lô-pa ia̍h-sī O͘-ló͘-pà, sī tī A-chiu sai-pêng ê chiu, mā ē-sái kóng sī Au-A Tāi-lio̍k ê sai-pêng pō͘-hūn. Au-chiu tī Pak-ke̍k-iûⁿ ê lâm-hong; sai-hong ū Tāi-se-iûⁿ, lâm-hong ū Tē-tiong-hái, O͘-hái. Tang-hong ū Ural-soaⁿ.

Bīn-chek sī tē-2-sè ê, ū 10,400,000 km², pí Ò-chiu khah tōa--tām-po̍h-á.

Jîn-kháu pí A-chiu, Hui-chiu khah chió, liōng-kî-iok ū 666,498,000 lâng (2001 nî). Che chha-put-to sī sè-kài jîn-kháu ê 7 hun chi 1.

Au-chiu kok-ka tōa-pō͘-hūn sī Au-chiu Phêng-gī-hoē (Council of Europe) ê hōe-oân, kan-na Belarus, Vaticano, Kazakhstan, Monaco bô chham-ka. Bo̍k-chêng ū 25 kok chham-ka Au-chiu Liân-bêng. Iū-koh ū kî-thaⁿ kok-ka tng teh kau-sia̍p ka-ji̍p ê tiâu-kiāⁿ, mā ū kok-ka àn-sǹg khai-sí sin-chhéng. Taⁿ in-ūi Au-chiu Liân-bêng ná lâi ná tōa, Au-chiu chit ê bêng-sû ū lâng lia̍h chò sī tông-gī-sû.

Tē-lí seng-thài

Au-chiu ê sim-lîm chū 9,000 nî-chêng khai-sí ū lông-gia̍p tō ta̍uh-ta̍uh-á kiu--khì. 16 sè-kí ê sî-chūn ū Tek-gí tē-khu khai-sí hoat-tián koán-lí sim-lîm ê hoat-tō͘, hiah-ê ki-su̍t tùi hia thoân kàu Au-chiu kî-thaⁿ só͘-chāi. Tò-kiu ê chhu-sè tī 19 sè-kí khai-sí kiâⁿ hoan-thâu. Bo̍k-chêng Au-chiu sī thong-sè-kài sim-lîm pó-chûn liáu siāng hó ê tē-khu.


Au-chiu tē-lí-tô·

Au-chiu Liân-bêng í-gōa, iū-koh ū ē-kha chia ê kok:


Ē-kha ê niá-thó͘ to-siáu ū in bûn-hòa-siōng he̍k-chiá tē-lí-siōng ê te̍k-sek. Tōa-pō͘-hūn bó͘-chióng thêng-tō͘ ū chū-tī koân. Bó-kok lia̍t tī āu-piah.

¹ Kin-kù Lo̍k-ui chèng-hú ê kóng-hoat, Svalbard kap Jan Mayen sī Lo̍k-ui Ông-kok ê 1 pō͘-hūn, m̄ sī i-lāi-tē.


1 chióng hun-hoat: lâm (chheⁿ-sek), se (âng-sek), tiong (nâ-sek), pak (kiô-á-sek)
