Kau (phiat-im hû-hō)

Wikipedia (chū-iû ê pek-kho-choân-su) beh kā lí kóng...
(Tùi Tiò-kau (phiat-im hû-hō) choán--lâi)
◌̡ ◌̢ ◌˞
In Unicode

Kau (Eng-gí: hook "tiò-kau", "kau-á"), he̍k-chiá kóng bóe (tail), sī chi̍t khoán phiat-im hû-hō, tàu tī chi̍t kóa jī-bú hē-thóng ê kò-pia̍t jī-bú ê pit-ōe téng-bīn. In-ê hêng kap tiò-kau beh kâng, chiap tī jī-bú ê ē-té-pêng, bīn-téng-pêng, he̍k-chiá sī piⁿ-á pêng.

Tiò-kau chiam nā sī hiòng ē-té chhun chhut, hiòng tò-pêng tńg-oat, sī hō chò chiūⁿ-kiuⁿ-kau (palatal hook), nā sī hiòng chiàⁿ-pêng tńg-oat, sī kńg-chi̍h-kau (retroflex hook).

Lia̍t-toaⁿ[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]

Jī-bó Miâ (Eng-gí) Kau ê ūi-tì
A with retroflex hook ē-té
Script a or alpha with retroflex hook ē-té
Ɓ ɓ B with hook téng-bīn
B with flourish tò-pêng
B with palatal hook ē-té
Ƈ ƈ C with hook téng-bīn
C with palatal hook ē-té
Ɗ ɗ D with hook téng-bīn
Ɖ ɖ African d or d with tail ē-té
D with hook kap tail téng-bīn kap ē-té
D with palatal hook ē-té
E with flourish tò-pêng
E with retroflex hook ē-té
ɚ Schwa with hook chiàⁿ-pêng
Schwa with retroflex hook ē-té
Open e or epsilon with retroflex hook ē-té
ɝ Reversed open e or epsilon with hook chiàⁿ-pêng
Reversed open e or epsilon with retroflex hook ē-té
Ƒ ƒ F with hook ē-té
F with palatal hook ē-té
Ɠ ɠ G with hook téng-bīn
ʛ Small g with hook téng-bīn
G with palatal hook chiàⁿ-pêng
Script g with crossed-tail ē-té
ɦ ʱ H with hook téng-bīn
H with palatal hook ē-té chiàⁿ-pêng
ɧ Heng with hook téng-bīn
ʮ Turned h with fishhook téng-bīn
ʯ Turned h with fishhook kap tail téng-bīn kap ē-té
I with retroflex hook ē-té
ʝ J with crossed-tail ē-té
ʄ Dotless j with stroke kap hook téng-bīn
Ƙ ƙ K with hook téng-bīn
K with palatal hook ē-té
L with palatal hook ē-té
ɭ L with retroflex hook ē-té
L with retroflex hook kap belt ē-té
ɱ M with hook ē-té
M with palatal hook ē-té
M with crossed-tail ē-té
Ɲ ɲ N with tò-pêng hook ē-té tò-pêng
N with palatal hook ē-té chiàⁿ-pêng
ɳ N with retroflex hook ē-té chiàⁿ-pêng
N with crossed-tail ē-té
Eng with crossed-tail ē-té
Open o with retroflex hook ē-té
Ƥ ƥ P with hook téng-bīn
P with palatal hook chiàⁿ-pêng
P with flourish tò-pêng middle
P with squirrel tail tò-pêng téng-bīn
ʠ Q with hook téng-bīn
Ɋ ɋ Small q with hook tail ē-té
ɽ R with tail ē-té tò-pêng
R with palatal hook ē-té
Turned r with tail téng-bīn
ɻ ʵ Turned r with hook ē-té
R with crossed-tail ē-té
Double r with crossed-tail ē-té
S with palatal hook ē-té chiàⁿ-pêng
ʂ S with retroflex hook ē-té tò-pêng
ȿ S with swash tail ē-té chiàⁿ-pêng
Esh with palatal hook chiàⁿ-pêng
Esh with retroflex hook ē-té
Ƭ ƭ T with hook téng-bīn
ƫ T with palatal hook ē-té
Ʈ ʈ T with retroflex hook ē-té
U with tò-pêng hook téng-bīn tò-pêng
U with retroflex hook ē-té
V with palatal hook ē-té
V with chiàⁿ-pêng hook téng-bīn
Ʋ ʋ Script v or v with hook téng-bīn
W with hook téng-bīn chiàⁿ-pêng
X with palatal hook ē-té chiàⁿ-pêng
Ƴ ƴ Y with hook téng-bīn chiàⁿ-pêng
Ȥ ȥ Z with hook ē-té
Z with palatal hook ē-té
ʐ Z with retroflex hook ē-té
Ɀ ɀ Z with swash tail ē-té
Ezh with retroflex hook ē-té
ƺ Ezh with tail ē-té
ϒ Upsilon with hook symbol téng-bīn chiàⁿ-pêng
Cyrillic jī
Ӻ ӻ Ghe with stroke kap hook ē-té
Ҋ ҋ Short i with tail ē-té chiàⁿ-pêng
Ӄ ӄ Ka with hook ē-té chiàⁿ-pêng
Ԓ ԓ El with hook ē-té chiàⁿ-pêng
Ӆ ӆ El with tail ē-té chiàⁿ-pêng
Ӎ ӎ Em with tail ē-té chiàⁿ-pêng
Ӈ ӈ En with hook ē-té chiàⁿ-pêng
Ԩ ԩ En with tò-pêng hook ē-té tò-pêng
Ӊ ӊ En with tail ē-té chiàⁿ-pêng
Ӽ ӽ Ha with hook ē-té chiàⁿ-pêng

Siong-koan[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]